Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sun Seeker

Nature is amazing in its diversity. The glorious yellow of this lovely Hibiscus is just stunning to a visual person like me. Added to the color are all the many other images within images the back lighting of the sun created. Shooting close and cropping the resulting picture only emphasized the many colors, lines, and shapes. If ever there was a flower to make my heart sing this was it!

Refreshing Shades of Green

Green is the color of spring but in Maui the hills wear green year round. Here the light and shadow created I don't know how many shades of green, but it made me smile. I photographed these hills because they were beautiful and showed an entirely different view of Hawaii.

Reaching for the Light

How insignificant and simple an image can seem but still have something to show us...  alive in the harshest conditions.  Look at the vibrant color of this single spear of green. In a tiny patch of a great sand dune there is light and shadow.
This photograph is full of lessons for me. It is about reaching for the light, with tenacity and assurance, believing I will reach my artistic goals by overcoming the roadblocks in my life.